Miss Moneypenny


We got Miss Moneypenny on our second christmas together. (I had been begging Paul for a baby and he kept saying he wasn't ready so he bought a puppy instead!) We payed way to much money for her at a pet store in the mall around christmas. Paul is a James Bond fan so he named her Miss Moneypenny. About a year later around thanksgiving (I was still begging for a baby) so he bought another male pug out of the newspaper (he was half the price) And named him after another james bond character. Over the first few years that we had them they went everywhere with us. And slept in our bedroom in a bed of there own. Until there snoring started keeping me awake and I had to move them to another room! They were the funniest things there favorite treat was pop corn. (They would get all excited and run in circles barking whenever we popped a bag.) We almost lost Miss Moneypenny about 2 years after we had her. We were visiting The Chapman's and Tristian had been playing with her outside while Paul was working on our car. I noticed he had come in and She wasn't with him. He said he left her outside with Paul. So when I asked Paul where she was he didn't know. We walked up and down the neighborhood calling for her but couldn't find her. It got dark so we left and I cried all the way to the interstate. Right before we got on Lonnis called and said that a neighbor had found her.
They were a little Hipper and chewed on way to much furniture. When we moved in with the Chapman's the pugs had to move outside. Needless to say they were a little ignored out there unless we were going off or comming home or playing outside. We didn't play with them as much. But Haley and Julia always ran over to tell them bye and hello whenever they could. Miss Moneypenny passaway a year ago in April and Felix passed away last friday. We had both of them for about 8 years. We had a funeral service for them and Julia went back out after we were done to sing them a song. We told her we'll see them again not to be to sad about it. Haley still runs over to the pin looking for Felix.