Julia’s first field trip. She was in Heaven. She was more excited about the bus ride, until she got inside and got to see what O2B kids was.
Julia getting on the bus Friends she rode on the bus with
The reading room. Not much reading was done.
The play park area outside.
Balancing on the beams outside.
Playing with Austin (who has a crush on her and the first few weeks of school she said she loved him and they were going to get married, but not any more. She likes someone else now.)
Getting all strapped up to climb the wall.
She started up the wall no problem…
She made it just above Mrs. Caldwell’s head and got scared!
The science experiment. They made GAK out of elmers glue, water, borax, and green food coloring. The boys couldn’t wait to get their hands in it and all the girls were making faces like Julia’s and didn’t want to touch it.
She had a great time and everyday since has said she wants to go again. And she came home yesterday with a free family pass to go back. YEA! This time daddy and Haley will get to come. Maybe we’ll go one day during spring break.