OK I'm laughing about this because I just scanned these photos from my mom’s box of pictures to get them ready to go into my scrapbooks, and didn't pay attention to what folder they went into. I can't tell you much about the photo except the little curly haired blond is me and the other person is my mom. It must be in Florida because I’m not wearing much clothing. I look like I'm about 2 ½ in the picture. But none of the pictures has dates or names on them, so I'm not even sure where we are. I'll have to ask my mom but she may not even remember. It was probably 26 ½ years ago.
I was tagged by Afton
Here are the instructions
1) Go to your picture folder, or wherever you store your photos on your computer
2) Go to the sixth folder and pick the sixth picture
3) Post it on your blog and tell the story that goes along with the picture
4) Tag four friends to do the same thing
So tag Katherine, Kelly, Kim, and Savannah.
What a neat picture...Julia looks just like you. I thought this was a fun tag.
LOVE the picture. I love looking at old photos and seeing pictures of my family when they were younger. I just watch a little video clip of my mom when she was twenty and it was so cool. She was beautiful. So was your mom.
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