Saturday we had our cousins Bryant, and Ally over for Easter. We colored eggs, hunted eggs, ate way to much candy, and played hard. Another fun day for Spring Break
My Crazy Life
Saturday we had our cousins Bryant, and Ally over for Easter. We colored eggs, hunted eggs, ate way to much candy, and played hard. Another fun day for Spring Break
Cameron got to try her first veggie today. We were having fresh asparagus with dinner tonight so I put a few pieces in the blender for her added a little water and some of her rice cereal.
She loved it! At least I have one child that does. She kept grabbing my hand and bringing the spoon into her mouth, and sucking it clean! Not as messy as I remember. She sure did scarf it down though. I also gave her a bite of mashed potatoes, she didn’t like them and started to gag. It was way to cute.
They grow up way to fast! Make it stop!
Julia’s first spring break. On Thursday was her school egg hunt and party. I went to help with it, everyone had fun. After we left I picked up Haley and Cameron and we headed to the fair for dollar day. (Thanks to Grammy and Pop-Pop Chapman for inviting us to come. ) It was a $1 to get in and $1 to ride each ride. We got to go with our cousin Bryant.
We had a blast can’t wait to do it again soon!