Ok I’ve not posted anything this month. And it’s Haley’s month, her birthday was on the 2nd. I know I’m slacking. She’s defiantly going to have the middle child syndrome. So a little about Haley….
She loves her sisters, she loves to give hugs, she loves french fries, and pop corn. She likes to dress up, her favorite show is Dora. She can climb ANYTHING. The sound of thunder has always scared her since she was an an infant. She makes the biggest messes. She likes to act like her big sister and follows her around every where. She is the only one of the girls that has had to go to the emergency room. Yesterday for staples in her head. She was playing with daddy and slung herself back and hit the corner of the table. Split her head open. She told the nurse she had a hole in her head. :) She loves to color and draw.