Julia started first grade today! Her teacher is Mrs.. Salt. She is in a Combo class. There are 7 first graders and 7 second graders in a class. Evidently there are not enough teachers and they couldn’t hire another one, so they took the first graders that scored highest and put them in with the second graders. Hopefully she will do well. I think she will. Maybe she will learn some of the second grade curriculum and it will be easy for her next year. She was excited about the kids in her class. She has 2 girls that went to VPK with her and 2 that were in her Kindergarten class last year so she already is friend with 4 of the other 6 in her class. There is also an assistant that is in there all day with the teacher and for 1 hour everyday another assistance comes in and spends 1 on 1 time with the students. So they should have plenty of help for only 14 students.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Julia’s First Day of First Grade!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Ok I’ve not posted anything this month. And it’s Haley’s month, her birthday was on the 2nd. I know I’m slacking. She’s defiantly going to have the middle child syndrome. So a little about Haley….
She loves her sisters, she loves to give hugs, she loves french fries, and pop corn. She likes to dress up, her favorite show is Dora. She can climb ANYTHING. The sound of thunder has always scared her since she was an an infant. She makes the biggest messes. She likes to act like her big sister and follows her around every where. She is the only one of the girls that has had to go to the emergency room. Yesterday for staples in her head. She was playing with daddy and slung herself back and hit the corner of the table. Split her head open. She told the nurse she had a hole in her head. :) She loves to color and draw.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
To Eternity and Beyond
Today marks ten years that we have been married. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father led me to someone that I can share my life with and that shared the gospel with me.
How different my life would have been without him!
There are so many things that I love about Paul,
this list is only a few of them:
his smirk
the way he laughs when he’s telling a joke
the little songs that he teaches the kids
he calls me in the middle of the day just to see how things are going
how he plays with the kids
his passion about life
his patience with me
the time that he spends with our family
his devotion to the gospel
his worthiness to hold the priesthood
the way he kisses me
the way he is always there when I need him
his love of the temple and for marrying me there
This list could go on and on. I LOVE you to ETERNITY and beyond.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Julia’s best day ever!
Julia’s birthday was May 5. We took cupcakes to school. On Saturday we had a party for her at the Main Street Park. Dad decided we are not going to give her a big party every year. Only every 4 years, though I disagree with this, this year I didn’t feel like arguing about it. She was told she could invite 1 friend from school and 3 friends from church and family. She had 1 friend from school and 1 from church show up. And all her Grammys and Pop-pops, Aunts and Uncle’s and Cousins that live in Florida. It was a big party even with only 2 friends coming. One the way home she said it was the best day ever! Happy 6th Birthday Julia. I love you. Here are a few pictures of her “BEST DAY EVER!”
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday we had our cousins Bryant, and Ally over for Easter. We colored eggs, hunted eggs, ate way to much candy, and played hard. Another fun day for Spring Break
Friday, April 2, 2010
Cameron got to try her first veggie today. We were having fresh asparagus with dinner tonight so I put a few pieces in the blender for her added a little water and some of her rice cereal.
She loved it! At least I have one child that does. She kept grabbing my hand and bringing the spoon into her mouth, and sucking it clean! Not as messy as I remember. She sure did scarf it down though. I also gave her a bite of mashed potatoes, she didn’t like them and started to gag. It was way to cute.
They grow up way to fast! Make it stop!
First day of our exciting spring break
Julia’s first spring break. On Thursday was her school egg hunt and party. I went to help with it, everyone had fun. After we left I picked up Haley and Cameron and we headed to the fair for dollar day. (Thanks to Grammy and Pop-Pop Chapman for inviting us to come. ) It was a $1 to get in and $1 to ride each ride. We got to go with our cousin Bryant.
We had a blast can’t wait to do it again soon!
Monday, March 22, 2010
O2B Kids
Julia’s first field trip. She was in Heaven. She was more excited about the bus ride, until she got inside and got to see what O2B kids was.
Julia getting on the bus Friends she rode on the bus with
The reading room. Not much reading was done.
The play park area outside.
Balancing on the beams outside.
Playing with Austin (who has a crush on her and the first few weeks of school she said she loved him and they were going to get married, but not any more. She likes someone else now.)
Getting all strapped up to climb the wall.
She started up the wall no problem…
She made it just above Mrs. Caldwell’s head and got scared!
The science experiment. They made GAK out of elmers glue, water, borax, and green food coloring. The boys couldn’t wait to get their hands in it and all the girls were making faces like Julia’s and didn’t want to touch it.
She had a great time and everyday since has said she wants to go again. And she came home yesterday with a free family pass to go back. YEA! This time daddy and Haley will get to come. Maybe we’ll go one day during spring break.