"Our Father in Heaven has given us, His children, much more than any mortal mind can comprehend. Under His direction the Great Jehovah created this wonderous world we live in . God the Father watches over us, fills our hearts with breathtaking joy, brightens our darkest hours with blessed peace, distills upon our minds precious truths, shepherds us through times of distress, rejoices when we rejoice, and answers our righteous petitions." Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "The Love of God," Ensign, Nov. 2009

Friday, February 6, 2009

Late Tag

I forgot to post this several weeks ago oops!

A-Z Tag
brought to by Kim
All you need to know about me from A to Z!

A--Attached or Single: Attached for 8 ½ years
B--Best Friend: Jeannie
C--Cake or Pie: cake - cheesecake? Is that cake or pie???
D--Day of Choice: Sundays
E--Essential Item: wet wipes
F--Favorite Color: purple or blue
G--Greatest Accomplishment: starting a family
H--Hometown: Jacksonville
I--Indulgences: blogging
J--January or July: July
K--Kids: Julia (4 ½ ) Haley (19 months)
L--Life is incomplete without: my husband
M--Marriage Date: June 3,2000
N--Number of Siblings: 5 (3) younger sisters and (2) younger brothers
O--Oranges or Apples: Oranges
P--Phobias or fears: SPIDERS
Q--Quotes: “What would you do if you knew you could not fail”
R--Reasons to Smile: My kids, they say the funniest things
T--Tag 4 Friends: Afton, Melinda, Savannah, Jesse
U--Unknown fact about me: I keep having dreams of triplets…
V--Very favorite stores: Wal-Mart, Target, Burlington
W--Worst habit: picking at my cuticles
X--X-ray or Ultra Sound: ultrasound.
Y--Your favorite food: Japanese
Z--Zodiac: Aquarius

The One-Word Thingy
made possible by Kim

1. Where is your cell phone? Paul.
2. Your significant other? Paul
3. Your hair? bun
4. Your mother? Strong
5. Your father? Loving
6. Your favorite thing? Family
7. Your dream last night? Weird
8. Your favorite drink? Coke
9. Your dream/goal? exaltation
10. The room you're in? Living room
11. Your fear? SPIDERS
12. Where do you want to be in 6 Years? HOME.
13. Where were you last night? bed
14. What you're not? organized
15. Muffins? Blueberry
16. One of your wish list items? Solar oven
17. Where you grew up? Florida
18. The last thing you did? Made pancakes
19. What are you wearing? clothes
20. Your TV? Dora
21. Your pet? Pug (Felix)
22. Your computer? old
23. Your life? average
24. Your mood? discouraged
25. Missing someone? no
26. Your car? jeep
27. Something you're not wearing? socks
28. Favorite Store? Walmart
29. Your summer? Hot
30. Your favorite color? Purple
31. When is the last time you laughed? yesterday
32. Last time you cried? Wednesday
33. Who will/would re-post this? Who knows

A) FOUR PLACES I GO OVER AND OVER: Library, Walmart, Winn Dixie, Church
B) FOUR PEOPLE WHO E-MAIL ME: Aunt Pati, Dad, Emily,
C) FOUR OF MY FAVORITE FOODS: Pizza, Fried Rice, Shrimp, Chili Rellenos
D) FOUR PLACES I WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT NOW: Hawaii, on Vacation, With my family, cabin in mountains
E) FOUR PEOPLE I THINK WILL RESPOND: zero, nobody, zilch, nada

1 comment:

The Halls said...

I love to read tags! I am going to do the A-Z one in the next day or so!